The Ex Man Podcast 35 – John Finberg (Booking Agent)

Doc talks about the death of Nevermore and Sanctuary vocalist, Warrel Dane, and gives a reading of his article featured on Doc also speaks with First Row Talent booking agent, John Finberg, about getting his start in Philadelphia as a ticket scalper, how he became a booking agent through concert promotion, his adventures working […]

The Ex Man Podcast 34 – Billy Graziedei (Biohazard, Powerflo, ex-Suicide City)

Doc speaks with guitarist, vocalist, and producer Billy Graziadei about how forming Biohazard helped him stay out of trouble in the streets, the band’s unique sound and genesis of blending hardcore, metal, and hip hop, how fame and substance abuse tore the band apart, leaving Biohazard and launching punk band Suicide City, the Biohazard reunion, […]

The Ex Man Podcast 33 – Meytal Cohen (YouTube Star)

Doc talks with drummer and YouTube star, Meytal Cohen, about growing up and getting into heavy metal in Israel, her unique family life, her time in the Israeli Army, how she found her way to America, what the process of gaining such a massive online fanbase was like, the experience of making a record and […]

The Ex Man Podcast 32 – Peter Wichers (ex-Soilwork)

Doc talks with ex-Soilwork guitar player Peter Wichers about what made the Swedish metal scene in the 90s so special, how Soilwork’s career was built and cultivated an international following, the evolution of the band’s sound over the years, why he quit Soilwork the first time, his venture becoming a record producer, rejoining and leaving […]

The Ex Man Podcast 31 – Art Cruz (Winds of Plague, Prong)

Doc gives his thoughts on the flurry of sexual misconduct scandals currently in the news, and speaks with the drummer of Winds of Plague and Prong, Art Cruz, about how Winds of Plague got their break, the rise of the deathcore scene, why he ultimately left the band, his time at G-Pen, how he joined […]

The Ex Man Podcast 30 – Chris “OJ” Ojeda (Byzantine)

Byzantine guitarist/vocalist, Chris “OJ” Ojeda, joins Doc to discuss how the band got their break, the naive mistakes they made in the early years, the struggle  they experienced balancing band life and home life, the band breakup and reunion, Byzantine’s new lease on life and record deal with Metal Blade, OJ’s vocal technique, and his […]